Traumatic brain injuries can affect victims in various ways depending on factors like age, maturity and the severity of their accident. While noticeable TBIs require obvious treatment, less severe head injuries after a car accident, for example, may give a false impression that everything is fine.

However, even the most minor head injuries can have long term effects that worsen without proactive treatment.

Lesser-known effects

Without obvious trauma, complex medical scans such as a CT scan, may not identify a less severe TBI. According to the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, changes to a person’s mood, personality, cognitive function, memory and focus may occur after any TBI no matter how minor.

Conditions, while manageable at first, may gradually worsen until people experience more serious side effects including depression and loss of consciousness. Persistent and worsening side effects could impact victims’ ability to perform their jobs, maintain personal relationships, and effectively process and manage their emotions.

Managing symptoms

People suffering ongoing problems because of a prior head injury can still live a healthy life when they learn to manage their symptoms. Psychology Today suggests that effective treatment targets specific areas including the following:

  • Reducing inflammation
  • Assessing genetics
  • Evaluating lifestyle
  • Removing toxins
  • Addressing nutrition and self-care

With consistent support that addresses their unique circumstances, people can facilitate healing in their brain and may even overcome their symptoms entirely. Effective treatment may combine a variety of methods. For people who require ongoing treatment, their plan may need to change over time to preserve its effectiveness. Periodic evaluations can determine which changes can improve treatment function.