The air quality in East Tennessee has been out of compliance with the standards set forth by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for several years. Though now seemingly on the upswing, the effects of poor air quality can still be found.

According to, the Knoxville region has consistently had problems with ozone and particulate matter. These issues can be caused by both transportation as well as industry sources. Vehicle emissions along with industrial factory emissions cause the air to become polluted, making it unhealthy to breathe. In addition, when a region is designated by the EPA as a “non-attainment area”, federal regulations apply and new businesses are restricted from moving in. This in turn hurts the economy.

In 2018, the American Lung Association lists Knoxville as number 22 on its list of “25 U.S. Cities Most Polluted by Year-Round Particle Pollution.” Knox County received a grade of “D”, meaning that the air continues to be polluted by particle matter which is harmful to certain individuals.

Air quality is certainly a matter of public interest, both business and health wise. In an area such as Knox County, which lies in a valley surrounded by mountains, air quality must be consistently monitored and improved. Factories and other industries that emit particulates into the environment must be held to a higher standard. If the restrictions imposed on Knox County by the EPA have harmed you physically, or in any way prevented or hindered your conducting business, contact us to discuss your options.